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U.S. Flu Season 2021: Lowest flu cases recorded in decades.

Around this time of the year, hospitals and doctors' clinics are normally filled with flu-ridden patients.

However, this year is different.

This year, unlike all the ones before, the flu infection just seemed to suddenly disappear. Flu cases are unusually low compared to the last decade's records.

According to experts, the health and safety procedures brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic have played a huge factor in avoiding a "twindemic" that would have been the cause of simultaneous flu and Covid-19 contagion. Wearing masks, social distancing, and work from home and virtual school mandates have contributed to the low number of flu cases.

Efforts to encourage everyone to get the flu shot and the significant decrease in non-essential travels have also contributed to the decline in flu cases.

According to Lynette Brammer of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this is a flu season with the lowest amount of flu cases to be recorded.

However, the opposite can be said for Covid-19. As of now, more than half a million have already died from the infection and another spike of Coronavirus cases was reported between December to January.


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